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  • Product label: Sold out
TW02-JP004 Fabled Realm Resurrection (P-SER)
TW02-JP004 Fabled Realm Resurrection (P-UR)
TW02-JP004 Fabled Realm Resurrection (P-N)
TW02-JP003 Fabledswarm Leverzebul (QCSR)
TW02-JP003 Fabledswarm Leverzebul (P-SER)
TW02-JP003 Fabledswarm Leverzebul (P-UR)
TW02-JP003 Fabledswarm Leverzebul (P-N)
TW02-JP002 Fabled Gamygyn (P-SER)
TW02-JP002 Fabled Gamygyn (P-UR)
TW02-JP002 Fabled Gamygyn (P-N)
  • Product label: Sold out
TW02-JP001 The Fabled Behillmoth (P-SER)
TW02-JP001 The Fabled Behillmoth (P-UR)
TW02-JP001 The Fabled Behillmoth (P-N)