Is the era of Purrely in the Yu-Gi-Oh! about to end? The era of the chaotic world of the 百鬼羅剎 is about to arrive and change the battlefield.

Article published at: 2023年10月11日 Article author: SUPPORTTCGCORNER
Is the era of Purrely in the Yu-Gi-Oh! about to end? The era of the chaotic world of the 百鬼羅剎 is about to arrive and change the battlefield.
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New cards such as 《百鬼羅刹 巨魁ガボンガ》and 《百鬼羅刹の大饕獣》 related to 【百鬼羅刹(ゴブリンライダー)】have been revealed, which will be included in "PHANTOM NIGHTMARE" to be released on October 28, 2023 (Saturday).

The main deck "Goblin Rider" monster has a common effect of special summoning itself by removing one Xyz material on the field. It battles the opponent's cards with X materials using Xyz monsters like 《百鬼羅刹 巨魁ガボンガ》 and 《百鬼羅刹の大饕獣》.

"List of New Cards"

PHNI-JP008《百鬼羅刹 特攻ダグ》

  • Effect Monster
  • Star 3
  • Earth Attribute
  • Warrior Tribe
  • Attack 1600
  • Defense 0

This card's (1)(2) effects can only be used once per turn. (1): You can activate this if this card is in your hand. Remove one Xyz material from the field and special summon this card. (2): You can activate this when this card is summoned or special summoned. Add one 'Goblin Rider' magic/trap card from your deck to your hand.


PHNI-JP009《百鬼羅刹 爆音クラッタ》

  • Effect Monster
  • Star 3
  • Fire Attribute
  • Beast-Warrior Tribe
  • Attack 1500
  • Defense 0

This card's (1)(2) effects can only be used once per turn. (1): When this card is summoned or special summoned, you can target 1 'Goblin' monster in your graveyard, excluding 'Hundred Demons, Yasha, Clatter'. Special summon that monster. (2): If this card is in the graveyard, you can activate this during your opponent's main phase. Remove one Xyz material from the field and special summon this card. This card, if special summoned by this effect, is banished when it leaves the field.

PHNI-JP010《百鬼羅刹 神速ブーン》

  • Effect Monster
  • Star 3
  • Wind Attribute
  • Warrior Tribe
  • Attack 1300
  • Defense 0

(1): If this card is in your hand or graveyard, you can activate this during your or your opponent's main phase. Remove one Xyz material from the field and special summon this card. After the activation of this effect, you cannot special summon 'Hundred Demons, Yasha, Godspeed Boon' until the end of the next turn.

PHNI-JP011《百鬼羅刹 冷血ミアンダ》

  • Effect Monster
  • Star 3
  • Water Attribute
  • Fiend Tribe
  • Attack 1400
  • Defense 0

This card's (1)(2) effects can only be used once per turn. (1): When this card is summoned or special summoned, you can special summon 1 'Goblin' monster from your hand, excluding 'Hundred Demons, Yasha, Cold-blooded Mianda'. (2): If this card is in the graveyard, you can activate this during your main phase. Remove one Xyz material from the field and special summon this card. This card, if special summoned by this effect, is banished when it leaves the field.

PHNI-JP047《百鬼羅刹 巨魁ガボンガ》

  • Xyz Effect Monster
  • Rank 3
  • Light Attribute
  • Beast-Warrior Tribe
  • Attack 2100
  • Defense 0
  • Level 3 Monsters x2

This card's (1)(2)(3) effects can only be used once per turn.

(1): When this card is Xyz Summoned, you can add 1 'Goblin' monster from your deck to your hand.

(2): When an Xyz material is removed from the field, you can target another face-up monster on the field. Make that monster this card's Xyz material.

(3): You can activate this during your or your opponent's end phase. Add 1 'Goblin' monster from your deck to this card's Xyz material.


Xyz Effect Monster

  • Rank 6
  • Dark Attribute
  • Fiend Tribe
  • Attack 2700
  • Defense 0
  • Level 6
  • Monsters x2 or more 

This card's (3) effect can only be used once per duel.

(1): Once per turn, during either player's turn, you can target 1 spell/trap card on the field. Remove 2 Xyz materials from the field and make the targeted card this card's Xyz material.

(2): If a monster on your field would be destroyed by an effect, you can remove 1 Xyz material from this card instead.

(3): If this card is in the graveyard, you can activate this: Special summon this card. Then, you can make 1 'Goblin' monster in your graveyard this card's Xyz material.


Continuous Spell

This card's (3) effect can only be used once per turn.

(1): The attack power of 'Goblin' monsters on your field increases by 300 x the number of 'Goblin' monsters on your field.

(2): You can summon one 'Goblin' monster in addition to normal summons once during your main phase.

(3): You can target two 'Goblin' monsters on your field and choose one of the following effects to activate:

  • Make the level of one of them the same as the other.
  • The levels of the two become the sum of their original levels.


Normal Spell

The effects of this card's (1)(2) can only be used once per turn.

(1): Add 1 'Goblin' monster from your deck to your hand. Afterward, you can apply the following effect: ● Remove one Xyz material from the field, then special summon one level 4 or lower 'Goblin' monster from your hand.

(2): You can activate this by removing this card from your graveyard. Remove one Xyz material from the field. Afterward, you can add 1 'Goblin' monster from your graveyard to your hand.


Continuous Trap The effects of this card's (1)(2) can only be used once per turn, and only one can be used at a time.

(1): You can activate this during your or your opponent's main phase. Perform an Xyz Summon using only 'Goblin' monsters on your field as materials.

(2): If you have a 'Goblin' Xyz monster on your field, you can target 1 effect monster on the field and activate it. Remove one Xyz material from the field and make the targeted monster's effect null until the end of the turn.



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