
    OP10-030 Smoker (SR)


      OP10-030 Smoker (SR)

      Card Name: Smoker
      Color: Green
      Type: Character
      Cost: 5
      Power: 7000
      Attribute: Slash
      Counter: -
      Feature: Punk Hazard/Navy
      Effect: [Banish] (When this card deals damage, the target card is trashed without activating its Trigger.)
      Trigger: -


      Less than 4

      Verkaufspreis $1.28 USDRegulärer Preis $0 USD
      Regulärer Preis $1.28 USD
      American Express Apple Pay Google Pay Mastercard PayPal Union Pay Visa
      OP10-030 Smoker (SR)
      Verkaufspreis $1.28 USDRegulärer Preis $0 USD
      Regulärer Preis $1.28 USD

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      Discount Price $ 0.83 USD /each $ 0.70 USD /each $ 0.58 USD /each $ 0.45 USD /each

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