
Wir verkaufen viele nützliche Produkte.

Sie können sie auf der Sammlungsseite einsehen.

Wir haben eine große Auswahl an Produkten auf Lager.


Our company is not responsible for any customs clearance fees in any country. We will ship the goods via the option of product sales, and if any country's customs require you to pay clearance fees, we are not responsible for it.In our product listings, we only show include the fees charged by our company and the shipping fee,which you will be informed of before making a payment. Any other fees related to customs clearance or other charges will not be listed in the fee section, and we are also unknown of them.

Lieferzeit durchschnittlich 3 Tage

Ja, wir haben die Möglichkeit der Selbstabholung in unseren Filialen.

Für detaillierte Informationen kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.

Refund and Return Policy

If you need to make changes to your order, it's best to contact TCG Corner as soon as possible after placing your order, and try to make adjustments or cancel before the order is shipped.

if you receive an item that's all sealed up like a secret treasure (imagine a sealed starter deck), and you just can't resist the temptation, well, sorry to burst your bubble, but that item can't be returned.