
  • Product label: Sold out
Rota-JP005 Red-Eyes Black Fullmetal Dragon (QCSR)
  • Product label: Sold out
Rota-JP004 Blue-Eyes of the Heart (QCSR)
Rota-JP001 Surfacing Big Jaws (SR)
Rota-JP039 Legendary Klesha Six Samurai - Shi En (QCSR)
Rota-JP041 Number C32: Shark Drake Leviathan (QCSR)
Rota-JP080  Fireworks Celebration (N)
Rota-JP070 Puppet Shark Style (R)
Rota-JP069 Xyz Poseidon Splash (N)
Rota-JP067 Token Alliance (N)
Rota-JP058 Primoredial Imperialode (SER)
Rota-JP047 Flying Mary (R)
Rota-JP044 Rubisapphirus the Jewel of Maximum Mohs (N)
Rota-JP042 Levirtue Dragon (QCSR)
Rota-JP038 Centur-Ion Primera Primus (QCSR)
Rota-JP038 Centur-Ion Primera Primus (SER)
Rota-JP036 Battlewasp - Gran Partisan the Revolution (QCSR)
  • Product label: Sold out
Rota-JP035 Eosvarog, Forger of the Dawn (QCSR)
Rota-JP035 Eosvarog, Forger of the Dawn (SR)
Rota-JP033 Azamina Moa Regina (QCSR)
Rota-JP033 Azamina Moa Regina (SER)