[2024JUN] One Piece Card Game Meta Shift: Top Decks Dominate the Scene

Article published at: Jun 3, 2024 Article author: TCGCORNER SUPPORT Article tag: One Piece card game
[2024JUN] One Piece Card Game Meta Shift:  Top Decks Dominate the Scene
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One Piece Card Game Meta Shift:  Top Decks Dominate the Scene

The One Piece Card Game has undergone a significant shift with the recent ban of the "Akainu" (赤イヌ) card, which was previously dominant in the meta. The ban has sent shockwaves throughout the competitive scene, and players are now scrambling to adapt to the new environment.

As we move into the new era, several decks have emerged as strong contenders for the top spot. One of the most formidable decks is the "Trafalgar D. Water Law" (Red Purple) deck, which utilizes the powerful "Trafalgar" (ST10-001) card. This deck excels at controlling the board early on, using its effects to remove opponent characters and set up for a strong finish.

The "Trafalgar D. Water Law" deck is particularly effective at dealing with opponents who try to play aggressively, as it can quickly remove their characters and take control of the board. Its ability to use "Don!!" cards to accelerate its own characters makes it a formidable opponent.

Another strong deck is the "Luffy" (Yellow Black) deck, which features the "Monkey D. Luffy" (ST13-014) card. This deck uses its leader effect to add 2 cards to its life total when it has no cards in its hand, making it a strong contender in the mid-game.

The "Luffy" (Yellow Black) deck also has a strong control element, allowing it to remove opponent characters and set up for a strong finish. Its ability to use its leader effect to add cards to its life total makes it a formidable opponent.

Other notable decks include the "CP0 Rob Lucci" deck, which uses the "Rob Lucci" (OP07-079) card to control the board and remove opponent characters. The "Enel" (Yellow Energy) deck, which features the "Enel" (OP05-098) card, is also a strong contender, using its leader effect to add 1 card to its life total each turn.

In conclusion, the current meta of the One Piece Card Game is highly competitive, with several decks vying for the top spot. Players will need to adapt quickly to these new developments and adjust their strategies accordingly.


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