[RespectYGO] Is “Voiceless Voice” the right deck for you? | Archetype Starter Guide

Article published at: Apr 24, 2024 Article author: TCGCORNER SUPPORT Article tag: RespectYGO
[RespectYGO] Is “Voiceless Voice” the right deck for you?  | Archetype Starter Guide
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Is “Voiceless Voice” the right deck for you?  | Archetype Starter Guide - Author by RespectYGO

Phantom Nightmare has finally been released recently in Asian English, and today, I’ll be sharing a guide on how to play one of my favorite ritual decks, Voiceless Voice. To optimize your experience, I’ll discuss the theme in different sections ranging from card overviews, basic combos, sample deck lists, and helpful strategies that could help you familiarize yourself with this deck. Are you ready to become one of “Lo’s” disciples? Let’s dive in!

  • Introduction
  • Meet the Voiceless Voice Cards
  • Additional Key Cards
  • Sample Deck Builds
  • Sample Combo
  • Summary


Voiceless Voice is an all-LIGHT theme released in Phantom Nightmare, which is based on the classic Skull Guardian ritual monster way back in the year 2000. After over 20 years, it regained new strength in the form of the new Voiceless Voice cards, which helped the theme become a top-tier candidate.

I’ve always enjoyed the control strategy, and the Voiceless Voice theme appeals to me. The combos you can create are quite straightforward, and you can end games quickly due to Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice, and overwhelming attack points. The deck also has its way of protecting its cards from being attacked or targeted by effects, making it tricky to deal with if you are facing it.

Now that it is finally released in Asian English, I figured I would reintroduce the theme to everyone by adding all my key takeaways from when I used it in OCG. That said, let’s learn more about the theme’s key cards. Let’s go!

2.Meet the Voiceless Voice Cards


Lo, The Prayers of the Voiceless Voice

The heart and soul of Voiceless Voice. It is equipped with three powerful effects.

  • First, it acts as the entire ritual material when you attempt to ritual summon exactly 1 LIGHT Ritual Monster for as long as they are Warrior or Dragon-type. This effect works while it is on the field or even in hand! This is extremely helpful in facilitating your ritual summons with ease.
  • Second, when it is Normal or Special Summoned, you can place 1 Voiceless Voice Continuous Spell/Trap from your Deck face-up in your Spell & Trap Zone. This effect helps you gain instant access to the theme’s searcher or interruption, which we will discuss later.
  • Lastly, it can also Special Summon itself from the Graveyard once per turn whenever a LIGHT Ritual Monster (Warrior or Dragon) is Special Summoned to your field. This means you can revive it right after you use it as the entire ritual material for a ritual summon. This works well when you pair it with Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice, to provide an ATK boost and a negation.

Ratio: Play 3, no questions asked.


Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice

Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice, is the humanoid form of the classic Saffira, Queen of Dragons. This card plays a significant role in Voiceless Voice with its two effects.


  • The first effect lets you send 1 Ritual Spell from your Deck to the GY; then, you can add 1 LIGHT Ritual Monster (Warrior or Dragon) from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand. This helps you search for it directly from your Deck or bring it back from your graveyard to your hand.
  • Second, you can banish itself from your Graveyard so you can Ritual summon 1 LIGHT Warrior or Dragon Ritual monster from your hand by tributing monsters from your hand or field that meet the level required. Remember, you can use Lo, The Prayers of the Voiceless Voice as the entire ritual material. Sounds neat, right?


Ratio: Play 3


Sauravis, Dragon Sage of the Voiceless Voice

Sauravis, Dragon Sage of the Voiceless Voice, is the humanoid form of Sauravis, the Ancient and Ascended. This card brings extra push to the game when you need to deal more battle damage or even act as an alternative way to bring out your LIGHT Warrior or Dragon Ritual monster from your hand or Deck. This Voiceless Voice with a decent 2600 ATK and 2800 DEF has two interesting effects.

  • First, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand) by shuffling two Spells from your hand and/or GY into the Deck, including a Ritual Spell. This can help you recycle your Ritual Spell and other important Spells for a free summon. Also, the Special Summon of this card doesn’t start a chain, so you can bring it to the field immediately as long as you shuffle the two spells necessary.
  • Secondly, it has a quick effect that reacts when your opponent activates any card or effect. If they do, you can return this card from the field to the hand (as the cost) to Special Summon 1 LIGHT Ritual Monster (Warrior or Dragon) from your hand or Deck, but shuffle it into the Deck during the End Phase of the next turn. This can help you bring out its original form, Sauravis, the Ancient and the Ascended, for that additional inherent Special Summon negate or even Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice!


Ratio: Run 1. Since it isn’t a starter, you wouldn’t want to draw multiple copies. I prefer it to be in my deck to Special Summon it with Radiance of the Voiceless Voice. 😊

Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice

The boss monster of the Voiceless Voice archetype, as they call it. It gets huge when paired with Lo, The Prayers of the Voiceless Voice, and is the go-to Ritual monster to help you gain control of the game. It has three main effects:

  • First, it gains 2050 ATK while you have Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice on your field or in your GY, which makes it an instant 4100 beat stick by itself, enough to trample even Obelisk the Tormentor’s 4000 ATK!
  • Second, it searches for 1 Voiceless Voice monster or 1 Ritual Monster (Warrior or Dragon) from your Deck to your hand when it is ritual summoned. This helps you gain card advantage and search your key monsters ranging from Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice, Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice, or even Sauravis, Dragon Sage of the Voiceless Voice!
  • The last effect makes it a force to be reckoned with. Once per turn (Quick Effect), while you control a Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice, you can negate the activation of a card or effect your opponent activates and destroy it. It’s a free omni-negate that can help protect your board from your opponent’s cards and strategies that could stand in your way!


Ratio: Run 2-3.


Barrier of the Voiceless Voice

The key searcher spell of Voiceless Voice. It has two powerful effects that help solidify your end board.

  • First, while it is on your field, your opponent can only target LIGHT Ritual monsters for attacks, and your opponent cannot target LIGHT monsters you control with card effects for as long as you have Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice, and a LIGHT Ritual monster. This card adds an extra “barrier” to protect your end board from threats. If they use anything that could break your board, simply use Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice, to negate that effect.
  • Its second effect lets you add 1 Voiceless Voice card or a Skull Guardian Ritual monster from your deck to your hand during your main phase. When you begin the combo by summoning Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice, you can use this spell to search Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice, to send a Ritual Spell from your Deck to your hand and add Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice. Afterward, you can use Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice to ritual summon the ritual monster you just searched! Remember, this effect works once per turn, and you can always use its effect again on your next turn to further your plays.

Ratio: Run three copies.


Prayers of the Voiceless Voice

The main ritual Spell of Voiceless Voice. It has two effects that ensure it can facilitate your ritual summon or bring out a new ritual monster if your existing one has fallen!

  • First, it has a standard effect that allows you to ritual summon any LIGHT ritual monster from your hand. Remember, you can only tribute LIGHT monsters from your hand or field that meet the ritual monster level/requirement.
  • Second, if a face-up LIGHT Ritual monster (s) you control leaves the field by your opponent’s card effect outside of damage step, you can banish this spell from your GY as a cost to Special Summon 1 Sauravis, the Ancient and the Ascended, Saffira, Queen of the Dragons, or Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice from your hand or deck, ignoring the summoning conditions!
  • Since Barrier of the Voiceless Voice protects your Ritual monsters from being targeted when you have Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice, your opponent may use cards that do not target to remove your ritual monsters or your entire monster board potentially. When you have this spell card in your GY, you can special summon one of the 3 Ritual monsters from your hand or deck (Like Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice), which will trigger Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice effect to Special Summon itself back from the GY. Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice will then trigger again in a new chain to place 1 Voiceless Voice continues Spell/Trap to your field face-up straight from your deck, as if nothing happened.

Ratio: Run two copies.


Radiance of the Voiceless Voice

This Voiceless Voice trap may have one effect with two options, but both can help propel your strategy when used correctly. Let’s discuss each of them:

  • First, you can add to your hand or Special Summon 1 Voiceless Voice monster from your Deck by shuffling 1 LIGHT Ritual Monster (Warrior or Dragon) or 1 Ritual Spell from your hand or GY into your deck. You can use it to recycle your used Ritual Monster or Spell from GY or return them from hand to your deck where they shine best when searching for a Voiceless Voice
  • Second, you can target cards your opponent controls, up to the number of LIGHT Ritual Monsters (Warrior or Dragon) you control; destroy both this card and as many of the targeted cards as possible. This adds additional interruption to your omni-negate from Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice. If you control more Ritual monsters, you can destroy even more cards!
  • Remember that this card only works in either player’s main phase. It is a great card you can search via Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice, when you already have access to Barrier of the Voiceless Voice. Barrier of the Voiceless Voice can also search this card.

Ratio: Run 1-2.


Legacy of Destruction

Saffira, Divine Dragon of the Voiceless Voice

The newest addition to the Voiceless Voice clan. Saffira gained new strength in its final form. It has three main effects:

  • First, you can draw two cards and discard 1 card when it is Ritual Summoned, and you have Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice, on your field or in your GY. This helps you gain additional card advantage to dig for hand traps or just additional cards that could strengthen your board.
  • Its second effect lets you discard one random card from your opponent’s hand when an attack involving your LIGHT Dragon or Warrior ritual monster is declared.
  • Lastly, you can add 1 LIGHT monster from your GY back to your end every opponent’s end phase. You can use this effect to recycle your Voiceless Voice monsters, LIGHT Ritual monsters, or even LIGHT hand traps such as Effect Veiler or Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit.

Ratio: Run 0-1.


Blessing of the Voiceless Voice

The newest Voiceless Voice spells in Legacy of Destruction is the spell card they need to regain your resources. It has two powerful effects that come in handy, especially in mid to late game:

  • First, you can target 1 of your Voiceless Voice cards that is banished or in your GY and add it to your hand. This effect allows you to recycle your banished Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice, a fallen Sauravis, Dragon Sage of the Voiceless Voice in your GY, or other necessary Voiceless Voice card of choice! Remember, it is a continuous Spell Card, so that you can search it with Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice.
  • Second, if a Non-Ritual monster is Normal or Special Summoned, you can Ritual Summon 1 LIGHT Warrior or Dragon Ritual monster from your hand by tributing monster (s) from your hand or field that meets the requirements. This acts as your additional way to ritual summon on top of your Saffira and Ritual Spell. Best part? You can also trigger this effect when your opponent Normal or Special summons!


Ratio: Run 1-2. 1 copy is optimal in most builds.



Guardian of the Voiceless Voice

The third wave of Voiceless Voice arrives in the booster pack INFINITE FORBIDDEN. It has two effects:

  • If a non-Ritual Monster(s) you control is destroyed by battle or card effect, you can Special Summon 1 Skull Guardian from your hand or Deck. This effect allows you to bring out the original (OG) Skull Guardian to the rescue.
  • The second effect lets you target 1 Ritual Monster you control and allow it to gain the total original ATK of all other monsters on the field by sending this trap card to your GY.

Ratio: Run 0-1.


  • Additional key cards:


  • Sauravis, the Ancient and the Ascended – Your secondary Ritual monster that allows you to protect your monsters from targeting effects and acts as your second interruption by negating an inherent special summon. Add 1-2 copies.
  • Pre-Preparation of Rites – This card searches a Ritual Spell and a Ritual Monster from your Deck or GY to your hand listed on the Ritual Spell you searched. Play 2-3 copies.
  • Pot of Extravagance – Since the deck isn’t reliant on Extra Deck, you can maximize Pot of Extravagance to dig for your key cards or simply bait an Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring. Run 2 (in OCG) and 2-3 (in Asian English).
  • Diviner of the Herald and Trias Hierarchia – Diviner of the Herald acts as your additional 1 card starter when combined with Trias Hierarchia or removal when you send Elder Entity Nt’ss. Run 3 Diviner of the Herald and 1 Trias Hierarchia (in OCG and TCG).
  • Pot of Prosperity – Similar to Pot of Extravagance, this card allows you to fetch your starters or other cards that can support your combo.
  • Odd-Eyes Pendulumgraph Dragon and Odd-Eyes Meteorburst Dragon – You can use these two Odd-Eyes Monsters as tech cards when you play Voiceless Voice. Odd-Eyes Pendulumgraph Dragon brings an extra Spell negate to the table, and when it negates, it can bring out an Odd-Eyes monster from your Extra Deck for free.



  1. Sample Deck Builds

Below are sample deck builds that you can use as a starting point. Remember to test your deck and adapt the ratios based on your liking.

Asian English (Post PHNI-AE)


OCG Version (Post Legacy of Destruction)


  1. Sample Combo:

Here is a basic combo that you can do in Voiceless Voice.

Card Required: 1 Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice

Step 1: Normal Summon Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice, and use its effect to place Barrier of the Voiceless Voice from your Deck face-up to your field.

Step 2: Use Barrier of the Voiceless Voice to add Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice, from your Deck to your hand.

Step 3: Discard Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice, to send Prayers of the Voiceless Voice from your Deck to the GY to add 1 Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice from your deck to your hand.

Step 4: Banish Saffira, Dragon Queen of the Voiceless Voice, to Ritual Summon Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice, from your hand using your face-up Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice as the entire material cost.

Step 5: Trigger both Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice effect when Ritual Summoned to add 1 Voiceless Voice monster or 1 Ritual Monster from your Deck to your hand and Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice effect to special summon itself back to your field from your GY. I prefer placing Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice effect as chain link 1 and put Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice effect as chain link 2 to avoid Ghost Belle and Haunted Mansion from negating it Lo.

End Board:

  • Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice (Omni-Negate)
  • Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice
  • Barrier of the Voiceless Voice (One per turn search, protection from battle and targeting)
  • Prayers of the Voiceless Voice in your GY for insurance in case your field gets wiped.
  • Additional search from Skull Guardian, Protector of the Voiceless Voice, for follow-up.

  1. Summary

If you’re looking for a deck that can easily adapt in the meta, I recommend you play Voiceless Voice. The deck has a fair chance against different decks, and its versatility allows it to stand out. If you’re looking for a competitive deck, Voiceless Voice is one of the best decks in the current market.

Thanks for reading until the end. This has been ArcKnight, and I wish you all the best on your dueling journey!


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