Yu-Gi-Oh! Single Card (Japanese)

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QCCU-JP173 Melffy Puppy (SR)
QCCU-JP172 Melffy Catty (SER)
QCCU-JP172 Melffy Catty (SR)
QCCU-JP171 Mathmech Circular (SER)
QCCU-JP171 Mathmech Circular (UR)
QCCU-JP199 Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Force (QCSR)
QCCU-JP199 Phantom Knights' Rank-Up-Magic Force (SER)
QCCU-JP198 Gold Sarcophagus (QCSR)
QCCU-JP197 Ties of the Brethren (SER)
QCCU-JP197 Ties of the Brethren (SR)
QCCU-JP196 Polymerization (QCSR)
QCCU-JP196 Polymerization (SER)
QCCU-JP195 Dark Hole (QCSR)
QCCU-JP193 Beyond the Pendulum (SER)
QCCU-JP190 Heavymetalfoes Electrumite (UR)
QCCU-JP189 Dharc the Dark Charmer, Gloomy (UR)
QCCU-JP188 Wynn the Wind Charmer, Verdant (UR)
QCCU-JP187 Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze (UR)
QCCU-JP182 Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder (UR)
QCDB-JP006 Code of Soul (UR)