
    CR06-AES11 Gladiator Beast Andal (SER)


      CR06-AES11 Gladiator Beast Andal (SER)

      "Gladiator Beast Andal"
      Card Number: CR06-AES11
      Card Type: Normal Monster
      Level: 4
      Rarity: SER
      Attribute: EARTH
      Types: Beast-Warrior / Normal
      ATK: 1900
      DEF: 1500
      Description: This one-eyed warrior bear is an aggressive hunter that strikes down its prey with the powerful swipes of its claws. No one can bear the brunt of his tremendously fast and heavy blows.


      Less than 4

      Sale price $22.00 USDRegular price $0 USD
      Regular price $22.00 USD
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      CR06-AES11 Gladiator Beast Andal (SER)
      Sale price $22.00 USDRegular price $0 USD
      Regular price $22.00 USD
