
    DBJH-JP037 K9 - EX Werewolf (UR)


      DBJH-JP037 K9 - EX Werewolf (UR)

      K9 - EX Werewolf
      Card Number: DBJH-JP037
      Card Type: Effect Xyz Monster
      Rarity: UR
      Attribute: LIGHT
      ATK: 3300
      DEF: 2500
      Description: 2 Level 9 monstersWhile this card has material, it can attack a number of times each Battle Phase, up to the number of materials attached to it. When your opponent activates a card or effect (Quick Effect): You can detach 1 material from this card, then activate this effect depending on whose turn it is;● Yours: Banish 1 card your opponent controls and/or 1 card from their GY.● Your opponent's: Look at your opponent's hand and banish 1 card from it face-up until the End Phase.You can only use this effect of "K9 - EX "Werewolf"" once per turn.


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      DBJH-JP037 K9 - EX Werewolf (UR)
      Sale price $5.00 USDRegular price $0 USD
      Regular price $5.00 USD

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