TCG Corner

    DOA Alter-224 Summon Gale (Common)

      TCG Corner

      DOA Alter-224 Summon Gale (Common)

      Card Name: Summon Gale
      Card Number: 224
      Card Type: ACTION
      Rarity: Common
      Attribute: WIND
      Types: MAGE, SPELL
      Memory Cost: None
      Reserve Cost: 3
      Level: 0
      Life: 0
      Speed: True

      Description: [Class Bonus] Efficiency (This card costs LV less to activate. LV refers to your champion's level. Apply this effect only if your champion's class matches this card's class.)

      Return target ally to its owner's hand.


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      Sale price $0.35 USDRegular price $0.00 USD
      Regular price $0.35 USD
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      DOA Alter-224 Summon Gale (Common)
      Sale price $0.35 USDRegular price $0.00 USD
      Regular price $0.35 USD
