TCG Corner

    DOA Alter-225 Swift Recruit (Common)

      TCG Corner

      DOA Alter-225 Swift Recruit (Common)

      Card Name: Swift Recruit
      Card Number: 225
      Card Type: ALLY
      Rarity: Common
      Attribute: WIND
      Types: WARRIOR, HUMAN
      Memory Cost: None
      Reserve Cost: 2
      Level: 0
      Life: 2
      Speed: None

      Description: Intercept (Whenever your champion is attacked while this ally is awake, you may redirect that attack to this ally.)

      Floating Memory (While paying for a memory cost, you may banish this card from your graveyard to pay for 1 of that cost.)


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      DOA Alter-225 Swift Recruit (Common)
      Sale price $0.35 USDRegular price $0 USD
      Regular price $0.35 USD
