TCG Corner

    DOA Alter-239 Arcane Blast (Uncommon)

      TCG Corner

      DOA Alter-239 Arcane Blast (Uncommon)

      Card Name: Arcane Blast
      Card Number: 239
      Card Type: ACTION
      Rarity: Uncommon
      Attribute: ARCANE
      Types: MAGE, SPELL
      Memory Cost: None
      Reserve Cost: 11
      Level: 0
      Life: 0
      Speed: False

      Description: Efficiency (This card costs LV less to activate. LV refers to your champion's level.)

      Deal 11 damage to target champion.
      Flavor Text: Power enough to level entire fortifications, only an arm's length away.


      Less than 4

      Sale price $0.35 USDRegular price $0 USD
      Regular price $0.35 USD
      American Express Apple Pay Google Pay Mastercard PayPal Union Pay Visa
      DOA Alter-239 Arcane Blast (Uncommon)
      Sale price $0.35 USDRegular price $0 USD
      Regular price $0.35 USD
