
    EB02-010 Monkey.D.Luffy (L*)


      EB02-010 Monkey.D.Luffy (L*)

      Card Name: Monkey.D.Luffy
      Color: Green, Purple
      Type: LEADER
      Cost: 4
      Power: 5000
      Attribute: Strike
      Counter: -
      Feature: Straw Hat Crew
      Effect: [Activate: Main] [Once Per Turn] DON!! −2: If the only Characters on your field are {Straw Hat Crew} type Characters, set up to 2 of your DON!! cards as active. Then, this Leader gains +1000 power until the end of your opponent's next turn.
      Trigger: -


      Less than 4

      Sale price $102.69 USDRegular price $0 USD
      Regular price $102.69 USD
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      EB02-010 Monkey.D.Luffy (L*)
      Sale price $102.69 USDRegular price $0 USD
      Regular price $102.69 USD

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