
    ES01-AE074 Solemn Strike (UR)


      ES01-AE074 Solemn Strike (UR)

      Solemn Strike
      Card Number: ES01-AE074
      Card Type: Trap
      Rarity: UR
      Types: Counter Trap

      When a monster(s) would be Special Summoned, OR a monster effect is activated: Pay 1500 LP; negate the Summon or activation, and if you do, destroy that card.


      Less than 4

      Sale price $0.75 USDRegular price $0 USD
      Regular price $0.75 USD
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      ES01-AE074 Solemn Strike (UR)
      Sale price $0.75 USDRegular price $0 USD
      Regular price $0.75 USD
