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ES01-AE051 Accesscode Talker (UL)
ES01-AE050 Cross-Sheep (SR)
ES01-AE045 Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights (UR)
ES01-AE035 Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy  (SER)
ES01-AE034 Abyss Dweller (SR)
ES01-AE033 Leviair the Sea Dragon (SR)
ES01-AE032 Chaos Angel (SER)
ES01-AE025 Vicious Astraloud (SR)
ES01-AE023 Blue-Eyes Tyrant Dragon (UL)
ES01-AE015 Kurikara Divincarnate (SER)
ES01-AE013 Dinowrestler Pankratops (UR)
ES01-AE007 Santa Claws (SR)
ES01-AE003 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (SER)
ES01-AE003 Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo (SR)
  • Product label: Sold out
ES01-AE080 Left Leg of the Forbidden One (UL)
  • Product label: Sold out
ES01-AE078 Left Arm of the Forbidden One (UL)
ES01-AE071 Skill Drain (SER)
ES01-AE070 Torrential Tribute (SR)
ES01-AE066 Ultimate Fusion (SR)
ES01-AE065 Cosmic Cyclone (UL)