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ES01-AE032 Chaos Angel (UL)
  • Product label: Sold out
ES01-AE030 Shooting Riser Dragon (QCSR)
ES01-AE010 Gandora-X the Dragon of Demolition (UR)
ES01-AE009 Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju (UL)
  • Product label: Sold out
ES01-AE002 Thunder King Rai-Oh (SR)
ES01-AE074 Solemn Strike (UR)
  • Product label: Sold out
ES01-AE071 Skill Drain (QCSR)
  • Product label: Sold out
ES01-AE069 Anti-Spell Fragrance (QCSR)
  • Product label: Sold out
ES01-AE065 Cosmic Cyclone (QCSR)
ES01-AE064 Interrupted Kaiju Slumber (UL)
ES01-AE059 Emergency Teleport (SER)
  • Product label: Sold out
ES01-AE057 Instant Fusion (QCSR)
  • Product label: Sold out
ES01-AE055 Gold Sarcophagus (QCSR)
  • Product label: Sold out
ES01-AE054 Card of Demise (QCSR)
  • Product label: Sold out
ES01-AE053 Worldsea Dragon Zealantis (QCSR)
ES01-AE052 Underworld Goddess of the Closed World (UL)
ES01-AE049 Barricadeborg Blocker (SR)
  • Product label: Sold out
ES01-AE048 I:P Masquerena (QCSR)
ES01-AE044 Hieratic Seal of the Heavenly Spheres (UR)
  • Product label: Sold out
ES01-AE033 Leviair the Sea Dragon (QCSR)